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The software for your virtual or hybrid events

Loesungen Event CMS Website


Event CMS & CRM

The Event CMS can be fully customized to your corporate design and allows you to display all content individually.

The CMS offers you a responsive design on all interfaces, multilingual content and worldwide access options via internet browser.

The event CRM accompanies and logs every interaction with the participants throughout the entire customer journey in your own independent database.

Virtual environments

Virtual environments are optional for a project and free from physical restrictions.

Seamless integration with the CMS allows for the creation of different websites and content within these environments.

Options include 2D, 3D, 360° and even integration with the Metaverse, providing flexibility to meet the unique needs and preferences of your project.

Learn more about virtual showrooms

Learn more about our Metaverse

Loesungen umgebungen Website


Loesungen TM Website


Participant management

Participant management enables individual registration processes for events. This access to an event can be public or private.

The participant data is automatically sent to the VEP CRM.

The VEP allows you to automate your e-mail communication.

All emails are created in your company's corporate design and sent from your own event domain.

Event analytics

Post-event surveys provide valuable first-hand insights.

With the help of traffic analyses, you can understand how many people attended the event and from which sources the traffic originated.

Performance analytics provide detailed insights into visitor engagement at events, in showrooms or with mailings.

Loesungen Analyse Website


Optional extensions


The VEP can be extended with a browser-based interaction interface for in-person, virtual and hybrid events.

This interface emphasizes the concept of the "second screen" for virtual participants. However, participants do not need an additional application.

The design can be customized to match your company's corporate design.

Create and customize a seamless agenda for easy navigation and keep participants informed during your event or meeting.

Track participant engagement and gain valuable insights about your audience, events and topics in real time.

Our platform offers another browser-based tool for organizing online events of any size - from small online meetings and webinars to large virtual events.

The design can also be customized to match your company's corporate design.

The statistics provide detailed insights, participant analysis and recording functions to analyze online events and individual participant data.

The tool offers an interactive experience with features such as screen sharing, whiteboard, presentations, polls, moderated Q&A, private chat and the ability to stream content to Facebook and YouTube.



Participant registration for face-to-face events can be automated.

Our solution enables participants to register via a VEP website. Immediately after registering, they receive a personalized QR code confirmation by email.

On site, employees scan the QR codes with a special app when participants enter or leave rooms. The app recognizes the QR code and sends the attendee data to our VEP CRM, which can be seamlessly synchronized with a database API.

Simplify attendee management and improve the efficiency of your events with our integrated solution.


VEP Standard

380 €

Monatliche Lizenzkosten

1.950 €


Subdomain Metapilots


Inkl. eigener VirtualShow Account

Shared CRM & CMS ohne eigenen Zugriff

kurzfristig, mittelfristig


Standard anfragen

VEP Enterprise

2.495 €

Monatliche Lizenzkosten

5.945 €


Eigene Top-Level- oder Subdomain


Inkl. eigener VirtualShow Account

Privates CRM & CMS mit Vollzugriff



Enterprise anfragen

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